Miley Cyrus revealed she stumbled in her sobriety journey during the pandemic. The pop star opened up on her 28th birthday, Monday, Nov 23, during her interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music's New Music Daily. "Well, I, like a lot of people, being completely honest, during the pandemic fell off," she told Lowe, "I would never sit here and go, 'I've been f---ing sober.' I didn't, and I fell off and I realized that I now am back on sobriety, two weeks sober, and I feel like I really accepted that time." She continued: "To me, it was a f**k up because I'm not a moderation person and I don't think that everyone has to be f***ing sober. "I think everyone has to do what is best for them. I don't have a problem with drinking. I've just been wanting to wake up 100 percent, 100 percent of the time." "I'm very disciplined," she said, according to PEOPLE. "That's why it's never easy, but it's pretty easy for me to be sober or in and out of sobriety because it's like the day I don't want to f***ing do it anymore, I don't. The day that I do, I do. You know? But when I don't want to it just is. I'm just very disciplined." She went on to talk about the significance of being sober earlier this year, saying: "27 to me was a year that I really had to protect myself." "What actually really made me want to get sober was because we've lost so many icons at 27," she said appearing to reference music legends such as Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain. "It's a very pivotal time. You go into that next chapter or this is it for you. I just feel that some of the artists that almost couldn't handle their own power and their own energy and their own force. It's an energy. I, no matter what, was born with that." Miley revealed earlier this year in June she had been sober for 6 months.The post Miles Cyrus says she's now two weeks sober after lapsing during quarantine appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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