Cervicitis: Gynaecologist cautions women against multiple sexual partners


Dr Ezenwa told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that the inflammation could be as a result of irritation, infection or injury to cells that line the cervix.

An Abuja-based gynaecologist, Dr Nnamdi Ezenwa, has warned that multiple sexual partners can expose women to Cervicitis, an Inflammation of the cervix.

Ezenwa told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Friday that the inflammation could be as a result of irritation, infection or injury to cells that line the cervix.

According to him, the irritated or infected tissues might become red, swollen, ooze mucus and pus, and might also bleed easily when touched.

“Severe cases of inflammation are usually caused by infections that are passed during sexual activity and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that may cause cervicitis include “gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma and ureaplasma.

“But many women with cervicitis don’t test positive for any type of infection; other causes of the inflammation may include allergies to chemicals in spermicides, douches or the latex rubber in condoms.

“Another cause can be hormonal imbalance such as having relatively low estrogen or high progesterone which may interfere with the body’s ability to maintain healthy cervical tissue.

“Rarely, radiation therapy or cancer may cause changes to the cervix consistent with cervicitis.”

Furthermore, Ezenwa said that many women with cervicitis do not have any symptoms, adding that the condition might be discovered only after a routine examination or test.

He identified symptoms of cervicitis as grayish or pale yellow vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding after sex or between periods or pain during sex.

According to him, extreme symptoms of cervicitis include difficult, painful or frequent urination, pelvic or abdominal pain or fever, in rare cases.

Those who are at a higher risk of contracting cervicitis are women who recently had sexual intercourse without a condom and women with multiple sexual partners.

Studies show that cervicitis will recur in eight per cent to 25 per cent of women.

The expert explained that if an infection was suspected, the main goal of treatment was to eliminate the infection and prevent it from spreading to the uterus and fallopian tubes, or to the baby, in the case of a pregnant woman.

“Depending on what organism is causing the infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, anti-fungal medications or anti-viral medications.

“Your doctor may also recommend that your partner be treated to make sure you don’t get infected again. You should not have sex until you and your partner have finished treatment.

“Treatment is especially important if you are HIV positive because cervicitis increases the amount of virus that is shed from the cervix and it may increase your chances of infecting a partner.”

Ezenwa, therefore, urged women to limit their sex partners and always use condoms during sex.

He also advised women to desist from using feminine hygiene products as they might cause irritation in the vagina and cervix.

He added that diabetic patients should try to maintain good control of blood sugar.

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